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Our Impact

What We Do

Our Impact

Food Pantry

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the foundation of good health, but due to scarce supplies and high prices associated with them, countless members of our community do not have equal access to foods that provide them with the nourishments they need, and at a price they can afford. We partner with local, small and minority-owned farms to bring fresh and healthy produce to under-served communities.
Our Impact

Medical Screenings & Supplies

No one should have to go without proper medical care, and preventive care is essential to minimizing health issues. Thanks to our partnerships with top-quality medical providers who have a heart to help vulnerable members of the community, we are able to provide services, such as eye exams, contact lenses, eyeglasses, physicals, dental cleanings, daily hygiene items, and other supplies to which many people would not otherwise have access.
Our Impact

Educational Support

Every student deserves access to quality school supplies and resources, educators who care, and supports in place that meet their physical needs as well, such as nourishing foods and beverages, personal hygiene products, clothing and comfortable, safe learning environments.

We know that the only way to make sure that no child truly gets left behind is for people who care to reach them and walk with them through the educational process with intention and determination to help them succeed. We are committed to being the change that ensures students within under-served communities have equitable access to education and support as they journey through primary, secondary and post-secondary schools, vocational programs, apprenticeships, internships and beyond.

Our Impact

Career Training

Training is an essential element to career advancement, and we are focused on helping people support themselves and their families by providing them with professional learning opportunities and job-related resources to get on their feet for the first time or to re-establish themselves in the workforce.
Our Impact

Hygiene Products & Grooming Services

By providing products like toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, soap, menstrual products, deodorants and more, we hope to eliminate the insecurities around hygiene.

Our goal is to boost health, self-esteem and self-confidence by distributing essential hygiene products and hygiene education to individuals and families throughout the community.